
What Kind Of Problems Might These Changes Create In The Future?

Humanity is facing major global challenges that are transational in nature and transnational in nature and transinstitutional in solution. This essay confronts fifteen of the biggest problems, including how to achieve sustainable development, guarantee access to clean drinking water, foster upstanding market economies and fight new also equally re-emerging diseases. While the panorama may appear pessimistic, humanity is winning more than losing – even if where we are losing is very serious. But these challenges cannot be addressed past any single regime or establishment acting solitary. They require collaborative deportment among governments, international organizations, universities, NGOs and creative private. We need a serious focus on dark-green growth, falling h2o tables, ascension food/water/energy prices, population growth, resources depletion, climte change, terrorism, and changing affliction patterns, otherwise the results may well be catastrophic.

Although many of the trends and possible time to come developments explained in this chapter can be quite depressing, based on sixteen years of research on the 15 Global Challenges identified by The Millennium Project, I have come to the determination that we accept the resource and ideas to address them, and that there is more agreement about how to build a better futurity than is evident in the media, even so controlling and institutional capacity — so far — is bereft to make the decisions fast enough and on the scale big plenty to build a improve future.

Withal, pessimism is unfounded, and it gives the excuse not to try to brand better decisions that improve the hereafter. Humanity is winning more than losing, although where we are losing is very serious. There is no guarantee that all will work out well, but the odds are in our favor — especially if more people and institutions understand that it is possible that we tin all succeed, considering we are already succeeding in many areas. If, yet, more people and institutions do non go more than strategic near addressing these challenges, then the negative scenarios are more probable.

When you consider the many incorrect decisions and good decisions not taken — day afterwards day and year after year effectually the world — it is amazing that we are nevertheless making as much progress as we are.

L years ago, people argued that poverty elimination was an idealistic fantasy and a waste matter of money to endeavor and eliminate; yet, farthermost poverty has fallen from 52 percent of the world in 1981 to about 20 percent in 2010. Extraordinary! The bulk of the globe was in farthermost poverty simply 30-1 years agone and now less than 20 per centum?! Pessimists are just not doing their homework. And today people debate about the best means to achieve that goal, not whether or not it is worthwhile to attempt.

Twenty-v years ago, people idea that civilization would end in a thermo-nuclear world war III between the USSR and the USA; today people call back everyone should have access to the world'southward knowledge via the Internet, regardless of income, nationality, or ideology. Extraordinary modify! Inside one lifetime. And now, an even more astonishing thing: Google is making the phrase "I don't know" obsolete.

It is possible inside xx-v years that anyone who wants it could take computational power many times across their individual brain's capacity — and have that capacity available xx-four hours a 24-hour interval, and vii days a week while walking down a street with simply vocalism recognition from imbedded intelligent computer chips in buildings. You won't demand your own figurer to admission all that.

Only we all know the hereafter is not necessarily rosy. If electric current trends in population growth, resource depletion, climate modify, terrorism, organized criminal offense, and disease continue and converge over the next 50–100 years, it is easy to imagine a continually unstable earth with a series of catastrophic results. At the aforementioned time, if current trends in self-organization via future Internets, transnational cooperation, materials science, three-D printing, alternative free energy, cerebral science, inter-religious dialogues, synthetic biological science, and nanotechnology continue and converge over the next 50–100 years, it is easy to imagine a globe that works for all.

Computational biophysics can simulate the concrete forces among atoms, making medical diagnostics and treatment more than individually authentic. Computational biological science can create calculator matching programs to quickly reduce the number of possible cures for specific diseases, with millions of people donating their unused estimator capacity to run the matching programs (filigree computing). Computational media allows extraordinary pixel and voxel detail when zooming in and out of 3-D images — making it seem more than existent than reality. Computational technology brings together the world'due south available information and computer models to chop-chop accelerate efficiencies in blueprint. All these are irresolute the nature of scientific discipline, medicine, and engineering, and their acceleration is attached to Moore'south police force; hence, computational everything will go along to accelerate the knowledge explosion. Tele-medicine, tele-education, and tele-everything will connect humanity, the built surround, and computational everything to address our global challenges.

The globe is getting richer, healthier, better educated, more peaceful, and amend connected and people are living longer, yet half the earth is potentially unstable. Protesters around the world prove a growing unwillingness to tolerate unethical decision-making past power elites. An increasingly educated and Internet-continued generation is rising up against the abuse of power. Food prices are ascent, water tables are falling, corruption and organized criminal offense are increasing, environmental viability for our life support is diminishing, debt and economic insecurity are increasing, climatic change continues, and the gap between the rich and poor continues to widen dangerously.

Information and communications systems from unproblematic mobile phones to supercomputers are augmenting human decision-making. It is reasonable to assume that the accelerating rates of these changes will eventually connect humanity and technology into new kinds of decision-making with global real-time feedback.

We accept the resource and ideas to accost them, and […] there is more than agreement about how to build a meliorate future than is axiomatic in the media, yet decision-making and institutional capacity — then far — is insufficient to make the decisions fast plenty and on the calibration big plenty to build a better hereafter.

But history has taught us that adept ideas and technologies can have unintended and negative consequences. These capabilities will eventually make it possible for a single private acting alone to make and deploy a bioweapon of mass devastation and for organized crime to get far more powerful than today — when its combined income is already twice that of the total of the world's military budgets. These and other dangerous future possibilities are not inevitable; there are many splendid solutions being pursued and making neat progress, unbeknownst to the full general public. Every year, The Millennium Project updates information nearly the global situation and prospects for the future, with almost of the data updates going slowly merely surely in a positive direction. Nevertheless, the world is in a race between implementing always-increasing ways to meliorate the human being condition and the seemingly ever-increasing complexity and scale of global bug.

So, how is the world doing in this race? What's the score so far? A review of the trends of the twenty-viii variables used in The Millennium Project's global State of the Hereafter Index (SOFI) provides a score bill of fare on humanity'due south functioning in addressing the most important challenges.

An international Delphi panel selected over a hundred indicators of progress or regress for the fifteen Global Challenges described later in this chapter. Variables were then chosen that had at least twenty years of reliable historical data. The resulting xx-eight variables were submitted to an international panel selected past The Millennium Project Nodes to forecast the all-time and worst value for each variable in 10 years. The results were integrated into the 2012 SOFI (Glenn, Gordon and Florescu 2012).

Where are we winning?

  • Increasing admission to water
  • Increasing literacy rates
  • Extending life expectancy at nascency
  • Reducing poverty (living on $1.25 a twenty-four hours)
  • Reducing infant mortality
  • Reducing war
  • Reducing HIV prevalence
  • Increasing the number of Net users
  • Increasing Gdp per capita
  • Increasing the number of women in parliaments
  • Increasing secondary school enrollment
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Reducing population growth
  • Reducing the prevalence of undernourishment
  • Reducing nuclear proliferation

Where are we losing?

  • Increasing total debt
  • Increasing unemployment
  • Increasing income inequality
  • Increasing the human ecological footprint/reducing biocapacity ratio
  • Increasing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Increasing terrorist attacks
  • Reducing voter turnout

Where is there either no significant change or modify is not articulate?

  • Corruption
  • Liberty rights
  • Electricity from renewables compared to non-renewables
  • Woods lands
  • R&D expenditures
  • Physicians per capita

The 2012 SOFI in Figure one (Ibid.) shows that the ten-twelvemonth future for the world is getting better — but at a slower rate of improvement than over the by twenty years. Still, in many of the areas where we are winning, we are not winning fast enough, such as reductions in HIV, malnutrition, poverty; increasing admission to water; and nuclear proliferation. And areas of doubt represent serious bug: abuse, political freedom, fossil-fuel consumption, and forest encompass. Some of the areas where nosotros are losing could take quite serious impacts, such as unemployment, greenhouse gas emissions, debt, income gaps, and terrorism. Still, this pick of data indicates that ten years from now, on balance, will be ameliorate than today. We are winning more than nosotros are losing.

Evolution of the xv Global challenges

In 1996, The Millennium Project3 asked several hundred futurists around the world what was going on at present that could get very significant to the time to come in twenty-five years' time and that is either not know or misunderstood. A total of 182 developments were collected by the Delphi survey. Another set of Delphi surveys and interviews collected and rated 131 actions to accost these developments. These were all distilled into fifteen global bug with overviews and strategies.

These global issues identified by the Delphi surveys and interviews in 1996–1997 were:

  1. Globe population is growing; food, water, pedagogy, housing, and medical care must abound rapidly.
  2. Fresh water is becoming scarce in localized areas of the earth.
  3. The gap in living standards betwixt the rich and poor promises to become more farthermost and divisive.
  4. The threat of new and re-emerging diseases and immune micro-organisms is growing.
  5. Chapters to make up one's mind is diminishing (as problems get more global and complex under conditions of increasing dubiousness and take a chance).
  6. Terrorism is increasingly subversive, proliferating, and difficult to prevent.
  7. Population growth and economic growth are interacting adversely with environmental quality and natural resources.
  8. The status of women is irresolute.
  9. Religious, indigenous, and racial conflicts are increasingly astringent.
  10. Information technology offers both promise and peril.
  11. Organized criminal offense groups are condign sophisticated global enterprises.
  12. Economic growth is bringing both promising and threatening consequences.
  13. Nuclear power plants effectually the globe are aging.
  14. The HIV epidemic will continue to spread.
  15. Work, unemployment, leisure, and underemployment are changing.

With 16 years of retrospect, these issues are still indeed critical to the future. However, The Millennium Project's Planning Committee at that time felt these issues stressed the problems more than than the opportunities, giving an unbalanced view of the future. To right this, the same process of collecting judgments and enquiry conclusions of futurists via Delphi surveys and interviews was conducted in 1997–1998. This time, the international panel of futurists was asked what positive developments could evolve over the foreseeable future to significantly improve the human status. A full of 180 developments were identified with 213 actions to increase the likelihood that they will improve the man status; the results were then distilled to 15 Global Opportunities with overviews and strategies.

The global opportunities identified in 1997–1998 were:

  • Achieving sustainable development
  • Increasing the acceptance of global long-term perspectives in policymaking
  • Expanding the potential for scientific and technological breakthroughs
  • Transforming disciplinarian regimes to democracies
  • Encouraging variety and shared ethical values
  • Reducing the charge per unit of population growth
  • Evolving strategies for world peace and security
  • Developing alternative sources of energy
  • Globalizing the convergence of information and communications technologies (ICT)
  • Increasing advances in biotechnology
  • Encouraging economical development through ethical market economies
  • Increasing the economic autonomy of women and other groups
  • Promoting inquiry into new and sometimes counter-intuitive ideas
  • Pursuing promising space projects
  • Improving institutions

The following yr nosotros combined the 2 lists into 15 Global Challenges through a series of Delphi surveys and interviews, and we identified 213 actions. At this point the representatives for Republic of finland on The Millennium Project Planning Committee said, "Terminate! Don't keep changing. This is a good list. Keep it; nosotros want to use information technology to evaluate progress in our state. If you lot keep irresolute, it volition be difficult for united states to compare progress from one year to the next." So the Global Challenges accept remained the same.

The 15 global challenges in 2012

The fifteen Global Challenges from 1999 to 2012 are:

  1. How can sustainable evolution be achieved for all while addressing global climatic change?
  2. How can everyone have sufficient make clean h2o without conflict?
  3. How can population growth and resources be brought into rest?
  4. How tin can 18-carat democracy emerge from authoritarian regimes?
  5. How tin can policymaking exist made more sensitive to global long-term perspectives?
  6. How can the global convergence of ICT piece of work for anybody?
  7. How tin can ethical market economies be encouraged to help reduce the gap between rich and poor?
  8. How tin can the threat of new and re-emerging diseases and immune micro-organisms be reduced?
  9. How can the capacity to decide be improved every bit the nature of piece of work and institutions changes?
  10. How can shared values and new security strategies reduce indigenous conflicts, terrorism, and the use of weapons of mass destruction?
  11. How can the changing status of women help improve the human condition?
  12. How can transnational organized crime networks be stopped from becoming more than powerful and sophisticated global enterprises?
  13. How can growing free energy demands be met safely and efficiently?
  14. How can scientific and technological breakthroughs be accelerated to improve the human condition?
  15. How tin can ethical considerations become more routinely incorporated into global decisions?

The club of each of the issues, opportunities, and challenges are not prioritized by any definition of importance. Challenge 1 is non more or less of import than Challenge xv. The volume of responses from the international panel was used to social club the items in each listing. The challenges are interdependent: an comeback in one makes it easier to address others; deterioration in i makes it harder to accost others. Arguing whether ane is more important than some other is like arguing that the human nervous organisation is more important than the respiratory system. These challenges are transnational in nature and transinstitutional in solution. They cannot exist addressed by any authorities or institution interim alone. They require collaborative activeness among governments, international organizations, corporations, universities, NGOs, and artistic individuals.

How can sustainable development be accomplished for all while addressing global climate change?

Total human-induced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are about 49.five gigatons of CO2 equivalent per year.five Nature absorbs about half of this annually, just its ability to do that is diminishing. Global ecosystem services are being depleted faster than nature can resupply. The globe is warming faster than the latest IPCC projections.6 According to NOAA, the first vi months of 2012 were the hottest in the US since record-keeping began in 1895. Glaciers are melting, polar water ice caps are thinning, and coral reefs are dying. Rapid population and economic growth over the past hundred years has reduced environmental viability for life back up; the impact over the next hundred years could exist far greater. It is time for a U.s.a.–China Apollo-like ten-year goal and global R&D program to address climate change. These two countries are the greatest emitters of GHGs and have the largest economies. Such a joint plan — with other countries joining in — could focus on accelerating the development of new technologies like electric cars, saltwater agriculture, carbon capture and reuse, solar power satellites, pure meat without growing animals, maglev trains, urban systems ecology, and a global climatic change collective intelligence to support meliorate decisions and go along track of it all. These technologies would accept to supplement other key policy measures, including carbon taxes, cap and trade schemes, reduced deforestation, industrial efficiencies, cogeneration, conservation, recycling, and a switch of government subsidies from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

How can everyone have sufficient clean water without conflict?

Over 2 billion people have gained admission to improved drinking water since 1990, just 783 million people still do non have such access. Water tables are falling effectually the world, twoscore pct of humanity gets its h2o from sources controlled past two or more countries, and global h2o demand could exist 40 percent more the current supply by 2030 (2030 Water Resources Group 2009). The slow only steady Himalayan meltdown is one of the greatest environmental security threats in Asia. Its mountains contain 40 percent of the world's freshwater, which feeds xl percent of humanity via seven cracking Asian rivers. Breakthroughs in desalination — such as the pressurization of seawater to produce vapor jets, filtration via carbon nanotubes, and reverse osmosis — are needed along with less costly pollution treatment and amend h2o catchments. Future demand for freshwater could exist reduced past saltwater agriculture on coastlines, hydroponics, aquaponics, vertical urban agriculture installations in buildings, the production of pure meat without growing animals, increased vegetarianism, fixes for leaking pipes, and the reuse of treated h2o.

How can population growth and resource be brought into balance?

The Un mid-range forecast estimates that globe population is expected to grow by some other two billion in merely xxx-viii years, creating an unprecedented demand for resources. Nearly of that growth volition be in low-income urban Asia. Today Asia has 4.ii billion people and is expected to grow to 5.9 billion by 2050. By 2030, the global heart class is expected to grow by 66 per centum — virtually three billion more consumers with increased purchasing ability and expectations (McKinsey Global Institute 2011). Population dynamics are changing from loftier bloodshed and high fertility to low mortality and low fertility. The world'south fertility rate has fallen from 6 children in 1900 to ii.5 If fertility rates continue to fall, globe population could actually compress to 6.two billion by 2100, creating an elderly world difficult to support. Today life expectancy at birth is 68 years, which is projected to grow to 81 by 2100.viii Past 2050 there could be equally many people over 65 as at that place are nether fifteen,9 requiring new concepts of retirement. Scientific and medical breakthroughs are likely over the adjacent twenty–thirty years that could requite many people longer and more productive lives than almost would believe possible today. People will work longer and create many forms of cocky-employed tele-work, role-time piece of work, and task rotation to reduce the economic burden on younger generations and to maintain living standards. If new concepts of employment are not invented, increased political instability seems inevitable.

How can genuine republic emerge from authoritarian regimes?

Current demographic shifts and improved education, compounded by economic volatility, are increasing demands for more transparent democratic systems. Although democracy has been growing for over twenty years, Freedom Business firm reports that political and civil liberties declined in 2011 for the sixth consecutive twelvemonth. New democracies must address previous abuses of ability to earn citizens' loyalties without increasing social discord, slowing the reconciliation process, and reducing human rights. An educated and correctly informed public is disquisitional to commonwealth; hence, it is important to acquire how to counter and foreclose various ideological disinformation campaigns, data warfare, politically motivated regime censorship, reporters' cocky-censorship, and interest-group control over the Internet and other media, while reinforcing the pursuit of truth.

Old ideological, political, ethnic, and nationalistic legacies also have to be addressed to maintain the long-range trend toward democracy. Since democracies tend not to fight each other and since humanitarian crises are far more likely nether authoritarian than democratic regimes, expanding commonwealth is sine qua non for building a peaceful and just future for all. Meanwhile, international procedures are needed to assist failed states or regions inside states, and intervention strategies need to be designed for when a state constitutes a significant threat to its citizens or others.

How can policymaking exist made more than sensitive to global long-term perspectives?

Humanity needs a global, multifaceted, full general long-term view of the future with long-range goals to aid it make ameliorate decisions today to build a brighter future. Attaining such long-range goals equally landing on the moon or eradicating smallpox that were considered impossible inspired many people to become across selfish, brusque-term economic interests to swell achievements. Short-term, selfish economic decision-making has led to many problems, ranging from the Euro crisis to the political stalemate in Washington and insufficient actions from Rio+twenty. The options to create and update national, global, and corporate strategic foresight are so complex and are irresolute and then chop-chop that it is almost impossible for conclusion-makers to get together and sympathise the information required to brand and implement coherent policy. At the aforementioned time, the consequences of incoherent policies are so serious that new systems for collective intelligence are needed to improve resilience.

National legislatures could institute continuing "Committees for the Future," as Finland has washed. National foresight studies should be continually updated, improved, and conducted interactively with issue networks of policymakers and futurists and with other national long-range efforts. Decision-makers and their advisors should exist trained in futures research (Glenn and Gordon 2009) for optimal use of these systems. Governments could add together foresight as a performance evaluation criterion, add foresight to their training institutions, and require a "hereafter considerations" section be added to policy reporting requirements. Government budgets should consider five-to-x-year allocations attached to rolling 5-to-ten-yr SOFIs, scenarios, and strategies. Governments with brusque-term election cycles should consider longer, more stable terms and funds for the staff of parliamentarians. A successful Global Future Collective Intelligence System should assistance policymaking become more than sensitive to global long-term perspectives. Participatory policymaking processes augmented by east-authorities services can exist created, informed by futures research. Universities should fund the convergence of disciplines, teach futures research and synthesis equally well as analysis, and produce generalists in add-on to specialists.

These challenges are transnational in nature and transinstitutional in solution. They cannot be addressed past any government or institution acting alone. They crave collaborative action among governments, international organizations, corporations, universities, NGOs, and artistic individuals.

How can the global convergence of ICT work for everyone?

Over two billion Internet users, over vi billion mobile phone subscriptions,x and uncountable billions of hardware devices are intercommunicating in a vast real-time multi-network, supporting every facet of human activeness. It is reasonable to assume that nearly of the earth volition experience ubiquitous computing and eventually spend near of its time in some class of technologically augmented reality. The race is on to complete the global nervous arrangement of civilization. Ericsson forecasts that 85 per centum of the world's population will be covered by high-speed mobile Cyberspace in 2017. Humanity, the built environment, and ubiquitous computing are becoming a continuum of consciousness and technology reflecting the full range of human being behavior, from individual philanthropy to organized crime. New forms of civilisation will sally from this convergence of minds, information, and engineering science worldwide.

1 of the next "big things" could exist the emergence of collective intelligences for issues, businesses, and countries, forming new kinds of organizations able to address issues and opportunities without conventional management. Commonage intelligence can be thought of as a continually emerging property that we create (hands on) from synergies among people, software, and information that continually learns from feedback to produce just-in-time knowledge for meliorate decisions than whatsoever one of these elements interim alone. Real-time streamed communications shorten the time it takes from situational sensation to decisions. The Web is evolving from the present user-generated and participatory system (Spider web ii.0) into Web iii.0, a more than intelligent partner that has knowledge near the meaning of the information it stores and has the ability to reason with that noesis, using conceptual descendants of today's Jeopardy-beating Watson from IBM and Apple tree'south affectionate Siri.

Low-cost computers are replacing high-cost weapons as an instrument of power in asymmetrical warfare. Cyberspace is also a new medium for disinformation amongst competing commercial interests, ideological adversaries, governments, and extremists, and it is a battleground betwixt cybercriminals and law enforcement. Fundamental rethinking will be required to ensure that people volition be able to accept reasonable faith in data. We accept to learn how to counter future forms of information warfare that could otherwise atomic number 82 to the distrust of all forms of information in cyberspace. However, the value of ICT for reducing the divisions among people outweighs its divisiveness. It is hard to imagine how the world tin can piece of work for all without reliable tele-educational activity, tele-medicine, and tele-everything. Universal broadband access should become a national priority for developing countries to make information technology easier to employ the Cyberspace to connect developing-country professionals overseas with the development processes back home, better educational and business concern usage, and make e-government and other forms of development more bachelor.

How can ethical market economies be encouraged to help reduce the gap between rich and poor?

Bold no new European crisis and that Europe'southward recession will only shrink their economy by –0.iii per centum, the Imf estimates that the world economy will abound at iii.5 pct in 2012. With earth population growth at 1 percent, humanity will get nearly two.5 percentage wealthier by traditional standards. According to the World Depository financial institution, extreme poverty ($1.25/solar day) has fallen from 1.94 billion people (52 percent of the earth) in 1981 to 1.29 billion (about 20 percent) in 2010, while earth population increased from 4.five billion to nearly 7 billion during the same time. At this rate, however, virtually one billion people might nevertheless be living in extreme poverty in 2015.eleven World unemployment grew to ix percent in 2011 from viii.three percent in 2010.12 The mural of geo-economic power is irresolute speedily every bit the influence of BRIC and other emerging economies likewise as of multinational enterprises is ascent. Lower- and middle-income countries with surplus labor will exist needed in college-income countries with labor shortages. This could continue the brain drain problem, even so online computer matching systems tin connect those overseas to the development process back home.

The 2012 State of the Microcredit reports that the number of very poor families receiving a microloan rose from 7.6 meg in 1997 to 137.five million in 2010, affecting more than than 687 million people. The rapid increase of entrepreneurship, self-employment and SMEs, plus global communications and an international division of labor that develop new forms of business governance and relationships, all accept the potential to raise living standards and reduce income disparities amongst nations.

Ethical market place economies require improved fair merchandise, increased economic liberty, a "level playing field" guaranteed by an honest judicial system with adherence to the dominion of law, and by governments that provide political stability, a chance to participate in local development decisions, reduced abuse, insured property rights, business incentives to comply with social and environmental goals, a healthy investment climate, and admission to land, uppercase, and information. Approximately ane billion people in xc-six countries now belong to a cooperative, co-ordinate to the International Branch Alliance. Since half of the world'south major economies are multinationals, these businesses play a crucial part in poverty consolation and in edifice a sustainable economical organization. Direction from central government with relatively free markets is competing with the decentralized, individualized private enterprise for lifting people out of poverty. The earth needs a long-term strategic plan for a global partnership between rich and poor. Such a plan should utilise the strength of costless markets and rules based on global ethics.

Humanity, the built environment, and ubiquitous calculating are becoming a continuum of consciousness and technology reflecting the full range of man behavior, from private philanthropy to organized crime. New forms of culture will emerge from this convergence of minds, information, and technology worldwide.

How can the threat of new and re-emerging diseases and allowed micro-organisms be reduced?

The health of humanity continues to improve. The incidence of infectious diseases is falling, as is mortality from such diseases equally malaria, measles, and even HIV/AIDS.13 New HIV infections accept declined 21 percent over the past 12 years, and AIDS-related deaths dropped by nineteen percent between 2004 and 2010.14 The The states Food and Drug Administration have canonical Truvada, the showtime drug canonical to reduce the chance of HIV infection in uninfected individuals.15 Withal, a new infectious illness has been discovered each yr over the past forty years, 20 diseases are now drug-resistant, and sometime diseases have reappeared, such as cholera, xanthous fever, plague, diphtheria, and several others. In the last vi years, more than than 1 100 epidemics have been verified. International collaboration to reduce HIV, SARS, and H1N1 (swine flu) has built amend global wellness systems. The dramatic improvements in health and medical services over the past xx years could exist reduced by the ongoing economic problems that are cut health budgets around the world. The global public debt is about $forty trillion, while the world's Gross domestic product in 2012 is virtually $lxxx trillion (PPP). Beak Gates and others supporting wellness programs are pleading with G20 governments to keep their pledges of $80 billion annually from 2015 onward to create a healthier world.16 Because the world is crumbling and is increasingly sedentary, cardiovascular illness is now the leading cause of death in the developing as well equally the industrial world. Notwithstanding, infectious diseases are the second largest killer and crusade about 67 percent of all preventable deaths of children under v (pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, and measles). Nevertheless, the last twenty years have seen a xxx-percent drop in deaths of children nether five. Mortality from infectious disease fell from 25 percent in 1998 to less than 16 percent in 2010.17

High-density population growth and slow progress in sanitation in poorer areas continue many preventable diseases agile. Some of the largest wellness impacts remain schistosomiasis (200 million cases), dengue fever (50 million new cases a year), measles (30 million cases a year), onchocerciasis (18 million cases in Africa), typhoid and leishmaniasis (approximately a million each globally), rotavirus (600 000 child deaths per year), and shigella childhood diarrhea (600 000 deaths per year).18 The all-time ways to address epidemic disease remain early detection, authentic reporting, prompt isolation, and transparent information and communications infrastructure, with increased investment in clean drinking water, sanitation, and handwashing. WHO'south eHealth systems, smartphone engineering science, international health regulations, immunization programs, and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network are other essentials of the needed infrastructure.

How can the capacity to decide be improved every bit the nature of piece of work and institutions changes?

The dispatch of alter and interdependence, plus the proliferation of choices and the growing number of people and cultures involved in decisions, increases doubt, unpredictability, ambiguity, and surprise. This increasing complexity is forcing humans to rely more than and more than on good advice and computers. Only as the autonomic nervous system runs virtually biological decision-making, then likewise are computer systems increasingly making the twenty-four hour period-to-day decisions of civilization. The dispatch of change reduces the time from the recognition of the demand to brand a conclusion to completion of all the steps to make the right decision. Every bit a result, many of the world's institutions and decision-making processes are inefficient, slow, and sick informed. Institutional structures are not anticipating and responding chop-chop enough to the dispatch of change; hence, social unrest is likely to go on until new structures provide amend management. This may as well trigger a render to the city and subregional cooperation as the locus of policy leadership and management. Today's challenges cannot exist addressed by governments, corporations, NGOs, universities, and intergovernmental bodies acting alone; hence, transinstitutional decision-making has to exist adult, and mutual platforms have to be created for transinstitutional strategic controlling and implementation.

How can shared values and new security strategies reduce indigenous conflicts, terrorism, and the utilize of weapons of mass destruction?

Although the vast majority of the world is living in peace, half the earth continues to be vulnerable to social instability and violence due to growing global and local inequalities, falling water tables, increasing energy demands, outdated institutional structures, inadequate legal systems, and increasing costs of nutrient, h2o, and energy. In local areas of worsening political, ecology, and economic conditions, increasing migrations can be expected, which in plough can create new disharmonize.nineteen Add in the future effects of climate change, and in that location could be up to 400 meg migrants past 2050,20 farther increasing atmospheric condition for conflict. Yet the probability of a more peaceful world is increasing due to the growth of commonwealth, international merchandise, global news media, the Internet, NGOs, satellite surveillance, better access to resources, and the evolution of the Un and other international and regional organizations.

Ethical market place economies require improved fair merchandise, increased economic liberty, a "level playing field" guaranteed by an honest judicial system with adherence to the rule of police, and past governments that provide political stability and business concern incentives.

The number of nuclear weapons has fallen from 65 000 in 1985 to 11 540 in 2011.21 Wars — as defined by ane 000 or more boxing-related deaths — have been steadily decreasing over the past two decades, although the past 2 years accept seen an increase, mainly due to the Arab Spring/Enkindling.22 Terrorism is changing from transnationally organized attacks to attacks by small groups and unmarried individuals.23 Mail-order DNA and future desktop molecular and pharmaceutical manufacturing could one twenty-four hours requite single individuals the ability to make and use weapons of mass destruction from biological weapons. Ubiquitous sensor systems in public spaces plus ameliorate mental health and education systems will be needed to reduce such time to come threats. Governments and industrial complexes find themselves under multiple daily cyberattacks (espionage or demolition) from other governments, competitors, hackers, and organized offense. It seems intellectual software arms races will be inevitable. Backcasted peace scenarios should be created through participatory processes to show plausible alternatives to the total range of conflict possibilities.

How can the changing status of women assist improve the man condition?

The empowerment of women has been one of the strongest drivers of social evolution over the past century and is best-selling every bit essential for addressing the global challenges facing humanity. Women are increasingly engaged in decision-making, promoting their ain views and demanding accountability. Women business relationship for 19.8 percent of the membership of national legislative bodies worldwide, and in thirty-2 countries the figure is over xxx per centum. Women represent fourteen.3 per centum of the total 273 presiding officers in parliaments.24 In that location are xx women heads of state or government. Patriarchal structures are increasingly challenged around the globe. Women hold 41 percent of the world's paid employment, but hold twenty percent of senior manager positions.25 The process toward gender political-economic equality seems irreversible. Meanwhile, violence against women is the largest war today, as measured by deaths and casualties per year. In some areas, violence confronting women at one point in their lives can be as high as 70 percentage.26 About seventy percent of people living in poverty are women, who besides account for 64 percent of the 775 million adult illiterates.27

How can transnational organized crime networks exist stopped from becoming more powerful and sophisticated global enterprises?

The world is slowly waking upwardly to the enormity of the threat of transnational organized criminal offence (TOC), but it has not adopted a global strategy to counter information technology. In the absenteeism of such a strategy, TOC income has grown to more than $3 trillion a twelvemonth. Its potential power to buy and sell government decisions could make democracy an illusion. estimates the full blackness market in only 91 of 196 countries in the world to be valued at $ane.93 trillion. At that place is a degree of double accounting in some of these numbers, but to share the scope of Havocsope's estimates: corruption and bribery stand for $one.6 trillion; money laundering, $1.four trillion; counterfeiting and intellectual property piracy, $654 billion; global drug trade, $411 billion; financial crimes, $194 billion; environmental crimes, $138 billion; and human being trafficking and prostitution, $240 billion. These figures exercise not include extortion and data from 105 countries; hence, the full organized criminal offence income could be over $3 trillion — well-nigh twice as big as all the armed services budgets in the world.

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime has chosen on all states to develop national strategies to counter TOC as a whole. This could provide input to the development and implementation of global strategy and coordination. It is time for an international entrada past all sectors of social club to develop a global consensus for activeness confronting TOC. OECD's Fiscal Action Task Force has made twoscore skilful recommendations to counter money laundering, only these crimes go on unabated. Two conventions help bring some coherence to addressing TOC: the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Criminal offense, which came into forcefulness in 2003; and the Quango of Europe'due south Convention on Laundering, which came into forcefulness in May 2008. Perhaps through an addition to i of these conventions or the International Criminal Court, a financial prosecution system could be established as a new torso to complement the related organizations addressing various parts of TOC. In cooperation with these organizations, the new organisation would place and establish priorities on meridian criminals (defined by the corporeality of money laundered) to be prosecuted i at a fourth dimension. It would prepare legal cases, identify suspects' avails that tin can exist frozen, found the current location of the doubtable, appraise the local authorities' ability to brand an arrest, and send the case to one of a number of preselected courts. Such courts, like UN peacekeeping forces, could be identified and trained before being called into activeness, then as to be ready for instant duty. Once all these atmospheric condition were met, and then all the orders would exist executed at the aforementioned time to apprehend the criminal, freeze access to the assets, open the court instance, and so proceed to the next TOC leader on the priority list. Prosecution would be exterior the accused's country. Although extradition is accepted by the United nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, a new protocol would be necessary for courts to be deputized like war machine forces for UN peacekeeping, via a lottery system among volunteer countries. After initial regime funding, the organization would receive its fiscal support from the frozen assets of convicted criminals rather than depending on government contributions.

How can growing energy demands be met safely and efficiently?

In just thirty-8 years, the globe should create enough electric production capacity for an additional 3.3 billion people. There are 1.3 billion people (xx per centum of the world) without electricity today,28 and an additional two billion people will exist added to the world'south population betwixt now and 2050. Compounding this is the requirement to decommission aging nuclear power plants and to supercede or retrofit fossil fuel plants. About 3 billion people still rely on traditional biomass for cooking and heating.29 If the long-term trends toward a wealthier and more than sophisticated world continue, our energy demands by 2050 could be more than than expected. All the same, the convergences of technologies are accelerating to make free energy efficiencies far greater past 2050 than most would believe possible today. So the world is in a race betwixt making a key transition to safer energy fast enough, and the growing needs of an expanding and wealthier population.

Nigh half of the new energy generation capacity comes from renewable sources today.30 IPCC's all-time-example scenario31 estimates that renewable sources could see 77 percent of global energy need past 2050, while the Earth Wildlife Fund claims 100 percent is possible.32 The costs of geothermal, wind, solar, and biomass are falling. Setting a price for carbon emissions could increase investments. If the total fiscal and environmental costs for fossil fuels were considered — mining, transportation, protecting supply lines, water for cooling, cleanups, waste storage, and so on — then renewables will be seen every bit far more price-effective than they are today. Without major breakthroughs in technologies and behavioral changes, however, the majority of the world's energy in 2050 will still come from fossil fuels. In 2010, the world spent $409 billion on fossil fuel subsidies,33 about $110 billion more than than in 2009, encouraging inefficient and unsustainable use.

How can scientific and technological breakthroughs be accelerated to better the man condition?

The continued acceleration of science and technology (South&T) is fundamentally irresolute what is possible, and admission to the S&T noesis that is changing prospects for the futurity is becoming universal. Computational chemistry, computational biology, and computational physics are changing the nature of science, the dispatch of which is attached to Moore'south constabulary. R&D on 3-D printers is merging the industrial, information, and biological revolutions. Constructed biological science is assembling Dna from unlike species in new combinations to create lower-cost biofuels, more precise medicine, healthier food, new ways to clean upwards pollution, and hereafter capabilities across current belief. Swarms of nanorobots are existence developed that should be able to manage nano-scale building blocks for novel material synthesis and structures, component associates, and self-replication and repair. Although synthetic biological science and nanotech promise to make the extraordinary gains in efficiencies needed for sustainable evolution, their environmental health impacts are in question. CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Inquiry, appear that it has discovered a Higgs-like boson particle that might explain the primal ability of particles to larn mass, giving rise to future applications of energy and matter unimaginable today. We need a global collective intelligence system to runway South&T advances, forecast consequences, and certificate a range of views then that all can empathise the potential consequences of new S&T.

How tin upstanding considerations become more routinely incorporated into global decisions?

The acceleration of S&T change seems to grow across conventional means of upstanding evaluation. Is information technology ethical to clone ourselves or bring dinosaurs back to life or to invent thousands of new life forms from synthetic biology? Public morality based on religious metaphysics is challenged daily by growing secularism, leaving many unsure about the moral basis for decision-making. Many plough back to old traditions for guidance, giving rise to the fundamentalist movements in many religions today. Unfortunately, religions and ideologies that claim moral superiority give rise to "we–they" splits that are being played out in conflicts effectually the world. The moral will to deed in collaboration beyond national, institutional, religious, and ideological boundaries that is necessary to accost today's global challenges requires global ideals.

Collective responsibility for global ideals in decision-making is embryonic but growing. Corporate social responsibility programs, ethical marketing, and social investing are increasing. New technologies make information technology easier for more than people to do more skillful at a faster pace than e'er before. Unmarried individuals initiate groups on the Internet, organizing actions worldwide around specific ethical issues. News media, blogs, mobile phone cameras, ideals commissions, and NGOs are increasingly exposing unethical decisions and corrupt practices. Advance software experts in the self-organizing international group called Anonymous have become a new force increasing globe attending to assist the Arab Spring, Wikileaks, the Occupy movement, and opposition to law brutality.

Global ideals are emerging around the world through the development of ISO standards and international treaties that are defining the norms of civilisation. They may also be evolving from protests effectually the world that show a growing unwillingness to tolerate unethical decision-making past power elites. The proliferation and telescopic of unethical decisions that led to the 2008 financial crunch seem not to have been addressed sufficiently to forestall future crises. We demand to create better incentives for ethics in global decisions, promote parental guidance to establish a sense of values, encourage respect for legitimate authority, support the identification and success of the influence of office models, implement price-constructive strategies for global educational activity for a more than enlightened world, and make behavior lucifer the values people say they believe in. Entertainment media could promote memes like "make decisions that are good for me, you lot, and the earth."

Commonage responsibleness for global ethics in determination-making is embryonic but growing. Corporate social responsibility programs, ethical marketing, and social investing are increasing. New technologies make it easier for more people to practise more good at a faster step than ever before.

Some conclusions distilled from xvi years of research on the global challenges

Without a serious focus on green growth, falling h2o tables, rising food/water/energy prices, population growth, resource depletion, climatic change, terrorism, and changing affliction patterns, catastrophic results around the globe are probable and will force migrations over the next few decades to make much of the world increasingly unstable. To prevent this, fortunes will be made in areas such equally light-green nanotech manufacturing, synthetic biology for medicine and energy, methods to increase human being intelligence, retrofitting energy plants to produce structure textile and buildings to produce energy, transferring agriculture from freshwater to saltwater on coastal regions of the discussion, electric vehicles, growing pure meat without growing animals, and using the principles of urban systems ecology to make cities become witting technologies.

The global challenges facing humanity are transnational in nature and transinstitutional in solution. No government, international organization, or other course of institution interim alone can solve the problems described in this report: climate modify, cybersecurity threats, organized crime, rich–poor gaps, environmental pollution, international finance, gender discrimination, changing affliction situations, and the need for sustainable development. The earth may accept to motion from governance by a mosaic of sometimes conflicting national authorities policies to a world increasingly governed by coordinated and mutually supporting global policies implemented at national and local levels.

Although many people criticize globalization'due south potential cultural impacts, it is increasingly clear that cultural change is necessary to address global challenges. The development of genuine democracy requires cultural change, preventing the transmission of AIDS requires cultural change, sustainable development requires cultural alter, ending bigotry against women requires cultural alter, and ending indigenous violence requires cultural change.

Economic growth and technological innovation have led to better health and living conditions than ever earlier for more than half the people in the world, simply unless our financial, economic, ecology, and social behaviors are improved forth with our industrial technologies, the long-term time to come is in jeopardy.

Many meet the earth as a stock-still-pie, zero-sum game, with someone'south proceeds condign another's loss. Others see an expanding pie, grown by new efficiencies and innovations, "a rising tide lifting all boats." And a few others see the globe every bit an exponential growth of pies — with the Internet redistributing the means of product in the knowledge economic system, cutting through old hierarchical controls in politics, economic science, and finance. They expect a earth of unlimited possibilities and think that synergetic assay volition create a ameliorate globe than decisions based solely on competitive assay. Countering the "me-first, short-term profits" mindset may be essential to engaging the earth in more serious consideration of long-term strategies.

Economic growth and technological innovation have led to meliorate health and living conditions than ever earlier for more half the people in the earth, but unless our financial, economic, ecology, and social behaviors are improved along with our industrial technologies, the long-term futurity is in jeopardy. The world needs a long-term strategic program for improving the human condition for all.


2030 H2o Resources Group. 2009. Charting Our Water Future: Economic Frameworks to Inform Decision-making. Bachelor at

Glenn, Jerome, and Theodore Gordon. 2009. Futures Research Methodology, Version three.0. Washington, DC: The Millennium Project. Available at

Glenn, Jerome, Theodore Gordon and Elizabeth Florescu. 2012. "Chapter 2: State of the Future Index." State of the Time to come. Washington, DC: The Millennium Project.

McKinsey Global Institute. 2011. Resources revolution: Meeting the world'southward energy, materials, nutrient, and h2o needs. Nov. Bachelor at


  1. Much of this textile is based on inquiry and analysis from previous State of the Hereafter reports and is used with the permission of the authors and The Millennium Project. Run across
  2. Jerome C. Glenn is the lead author of the annual State of the Future report from 1997 to 2013 and CEO of The Millennium Project.
  3. The Millennium Projection is a global participatory think tank created in 1996 under the American Council for the United nations Academy that is at present an contained organisation with forty-six nodes around the world. Information technology identifies idea leaders and scholars to participate in research, connecting global and local perspectives.
  4. The consummate text of the 15 Global Challenges totals 1 900 pages. It is available at http://world wide
  5. US Department of Free energy, Free energy Information Agency, http://www.environmental impact
  6. Distillation of multiple sources:
  7. Encounter United nations World Population Trends at http://www.united
  8. Run into Earth Health Organization figures at
  9. Meet Un Population Division study, World Population Ageing: 1950-2050 at
  10. Globe Depository financial institution report, Maximizing Mobile: 2012 Information and Communications for Evolution, at
  11. United Nations. 2010. Rethinking Poverty. New York: Department of Economic & Social Affairs, ST/ESA/324. Bachelor at http://www.united
  12. International Labor Organization, Global Unemployment Trends 2012. Available at—nl/index.htm
  13. World Health Organization, "MDG 6: Gainsay HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases." Available at
  14. UNAIDS. World AIDS Day Report 2011. Available at http://world wide documents/unaidspublication/2011/JC2216_WorldAIDSday_ report_2011_en.pdf
  15. US Nutrient and Drug Administration. "FDA Approves Showtime Drug for Reducing the Risk of Sexually Caused HIV Infection." Printing Release: July 16, 2012. Available at
  16. Innovative vision from Nib Gates at the G20 Peak. Realizing a 'Light-green Economy'
  17. World Health Organization. Millennium Development Goals: progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals (May 2011). Available at
  18. World Health Organization. Global Health Observatory Data Repository. Available at
  19. International Organization of Migration. Migration, Climate Change, and the Environment. Available at
  20. International Organisation of Migration. Report of the Ninety-Ninth Session of the Council. Available at
  21. Correspondence with International Atomic Energy Bureau Staff.
  22.  Department of Peace and Conflict, Uppsala University,
  23. RAND Corporation,
  24. Women in National Parliaments,
  25. Women in Senior Positions in the European Marriage, world wide
  26. UN Secretarial assistant-General's Campaign, Violence Against Women, https://www.united
  27. United nations statistics and indicators on women and men,
  28. International Energy Bureau. World Energy Outlook 2011. Available at http://world wide
  29. Un Secretarial assistant-General's Advisory Grouping on Energy and Climate. Energy for a Sustainable Future. Available at http://www.united[1].pdf
  30. UN Environment Program, "Global Renewable Free energy Investment Powers to Record $257 Billion." Available at http://world wide
  31. Renewable Energy Sources and Climatic change Mitigation Special report of the Intergovernmental Console on Climate Change. Available at
  32. The Energy Report: 100% Renewable Energy by 2050. Bachelor at what_we_do/footprint/climate_carbon _energy/energy_solutions/renewable_energy/sustainable_energy_ study/
  33. International Energy Agency. World Energy Outlook 2011. Bachelor at


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